Monday, 29 April 2019

JDE WMS License Plate Applications

License Plate Information:

P46L10 - License Plate Workbench Application (Source Table- F46L10, F46L11)
P46L99 - License Plate History Application (Source Table- F46L99)
P46L30 - Assign/Remove Items to License Plate( Source Table - )
P46L31 - Assign/Remove Child License Plate( Source Table - )
P46L40 - Location Capacity Workbench(Source Table - )
P46L20 - License Plate Cross Reference(Source Table - )
R46L140 - Batch LP Putaway Request(Source Table - )

P46220 - Location Utilization(Source Table - )
P46230 - Warehouse Availability Inquiry(Source Table - )

LP Set up:

P46L001 - LP Numbering Constants
P46L010 - LP Segment Definition

Thursday, 4 April 2019

JDE WO Process Flow

WO Process Flow:

1). WO Entry P48013 - Status 05 --> Row Exit

2).  Attach Part List P3111

3). WO Issue P31113  - Status 45

4). WO Completion P31114  - Status 95(92 for Partial Completion) 

WO Issue Types

Manual issueThe system deducts materials from inventory when you enter the issue transactions on the Inventory Issue Revisions form.
PreflushingYou set a processing option for the Order Processing program (R31410) to deduct materials from inventory automatically when you process a work order.
BackflushingThe system deducts materials from inventory when items on the work order are reported as complete. This deduction method might occur when you report partial completions throughout the production process or when you report full completions at the last routing operation.
Super backflushingThe system deducts materials from inventory automatically at operations that are defined as pay points throughout the routing when the pay points are reported as complete or partially complete. The Super Backflush program (P31123) enables you to simultaneously backflush materials and labor hours, and report items that are complete at an operation